Cherish your dreams and follow your passions...they are the guiding hands of your heart.

Baby Clements

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, January 16


As many of you may already know I am very OCD.  I'm not sure where this disorder came from but in my mind everything has its place and that's where it should be.  So I constantly have this crazy to-do list in my head and (at times) it drives me a little insane.  For example, there are times where it bothers me that there is something in the dirty clothes basket.  Since William has come along that doesn't seem to bother me much.  However, I do still have to make sure all of the pillows are straight on the couch before I can go to bed.  This is also the same reason that I chose not to redesign my blog myself.  My goodness it would take me months to ever get it up where everyone could see it.  Now my to-do list is ever changing but for now it goes a little like this...
  • Clean Out Guest Bedroom Closet - DONE
  • Clean Out William's Closet - DONE
  • Clean Out Garage....AGAIN - DONE
  • Refinish a Piece of Furniture - DONE
  • Reorganize my Mary Kay Inventory - DONE
Typically my list is small things like do laundry, dust or mop.  However, now each item on my least is seems to be a huge task that might take FOREVER to complete.  Well, with my upcoming surgery I know that I don't have a lot of time to get these things done so I'm thinking that the plan is to get it all done today.  Given it is already 2 AM and I am still up, I probably should get to bed so I can get all of these things done.  Better yet, I should probably spend all day tomorrow trying to find a cure for my OCD.  HA!!! 

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